The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (2025)

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (1)
This is a guide to the quest titled The Lord of Undvik from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on to learn locations, rewards, best choices, best outcomes, as well as useful tips and strategy for completing this quest.

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- The Lord of Undvik -

List of Contents

  • The Lord of Undvik Location and Rewards
  • How to Unlock The Lord of Undvik
  • Is The Lord of Undvik Missable or Failable?
  • The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough
  • The Lord of Undvik Tips and Strategies
  • The Witcher 3 Related Links

The Lord of Undvik Location and Rewards

Basic Information

Quest Number -
Region Skellige
Quest Location Kaer TroldeUndvik
Previous Quest -
Next Quest -


Gold RewardNone
Exp Reward 500
Item Reward None

How to Unlock The Lord of Undvik

This quest is unlocked after the main quest The King is Dead – Long Live the King.

Is The Lord of Undvik Missable or Failable?

This quest will fail when the player has started the main quest Battle Preparations.

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough

1 Take a boat at the harber of Kaer Trolde. Sail west, after passing the lighthouse, sail south west. When the jagged rocks are reached, sail around from the left. Continue sailing towards the marker. Gain 100 XP when you reach near the island.
2 It is recommended to shore on the northeast side of the island, as it is near the Marling Coast signpost. Walk eastward along the coast until you reach it.
3 Continue eastward following the road. Keep to the road that is leading to the marker. You will know you are on the right path if see a corpse after passing the wooden bridge.
4 Keep following the road until a cutscene starts. After the cutscene, go toward the boat hull. 3 Sirens will be flying around nearby. Kill them, then talk to the stranger inside the hull.
5 Ask the stranger about Hjalmar. If you found twine and nails (a quest item that can be found around the island in wooden planks found on the ground), you can give it to the stranger for 200 XP.
6 Follow the marked road to Hjalmar's camp. Use your Witcher Sense to examine the corpses, then to find footprints.
7 Follow the footprints. Examine any clues you find with your Witcher Sense. Follow the clues to a cave.
8 Enter the cave and follow the pools of blood. You will encounter an Ice Troll in the first chamber. Kill the Ice Troll then continue following the blood stains.
9 The blood stains will lead you to a ledge; climb up and continue along the passage way.
10 You will encounter 2 more Ice Trolls. They will be preparing to turn Folan into soup. You can play a game of riddles, or you can choose to fight 3 Ice Trolls. The correct answer to the riddle is the dialogue choice [It's trolls]. Saving Folan will reward you with 200 XP.
11 Retrace your steps back to the camp at the guard tower. Use your Witcher Sense to find another trail. Follow it. Cross the lake to the village on the other side of the lake.
12 Use your Witcher Sense to find footprints in the middle of the village. Follow the footprints into the cave.
13 Jump down the cliff inside the cave. There is water at the bottom. There will be 2 Erynias flying nearby.
14 Head north inside the cave. You will find another an Craite warrior and more blood stains. Follow the trail of blood.
15 You will reach a big chamber with a tree and 5 Harpies flying over it. There will be a ladder and scaffolding going up. Climb up the scaffolding.
16 Continue following the trail of blood. There will be 2 Devourers at the fork in the passage.
17 Take the right passage. 2 more Devourers will be guarding the exit.
18 After leaving the cave, enter the ruined house. 3 Devourers will be waiting inside the first room to the left.
19 There will be footprints outside the big hole in the wall. Follow the footprints. The trail will split into two; follow the smaller footprints.
20 At the end of the trail you will find Hjalmar fighting 2 Sirens; help him. Note: There are nails you can give to Octo here in planks scattered around the village. You will need to loot just one.
21 Head south through the village to the marker.
22 Enter the cave. You will find Vigi the Loon inside a cage and the Ice Giant sleeping nearby. You can choose to free him or fight the giant straight away. Whatever you choose will start the fight with the giant. Vigi will die if you do not free him before the fight. If you choose to free Vigi, you will need to get to the drawer near the giant to get the key then back to the cage to unlock it. Avoid stepping on the snow as it will wake up the giant and start the fight. Freeing Vigi will give you 200 XP.
23 Kill the Ice Giant for 100 XP.

The Lord of Undvik Choices

Saving Foland and Vigi are both optional, but are recommended. Helping them will award the player some extra XP and both of them wll appear with Hjalmar in the main quest The Battle of Kaer Morhen if Hjalmar was recruited.

The Lord of Undvik Tips and Strategies

Finding Nails for Octo

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (2)
Boards with lootable nails can be found in the ship graveyard located along the shore of the harbor north of Undvik. It is located near the eastern mountain range, on the right side of the giant barricade. Just follow the wall on the right of the barrice to the north; you will see the planks to your right.

More nails can be found in Dorve Ruins, the location you find Hjalmar fighting the Sirens. There are planks with nails outside the first house on the left when you enter the village. There is another pile of planks outside the house found in the middle of the village.

Using the Hornwall Horn Against Sirens

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (3)
You can find the Hornwall Horn nearby the dead Clan an Craite warrior outside the cave with the ice trolls. It can be equipped to your pocket from the Quest Items in your inventory. Using it will make all nearby flying Sirens crash into the ground.

Fighting the Ice Giant

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (4)


Basic Melee Swings his arms to hit Geralt. Deals damage.
Charging Attack Charges forward and swings his arms at Geralt. Deals damage and is a multi-hit attack.
Slam Attack Jumps up and slams its fists in front of it.
Stomp Attack Stomps its feet dealing damage in area around its foot.
Anchor Slam Swings the anchor into the ground. Deals damage and has a long range.

Troll Riddle Solution

The Troll's riddle is Lots eats, lots drinks. Big he be, steps big he, big he bash. As you may expect, the correct answer is a troll.


Preparing Ogroid Oil will help you deal more damage. The Ice Giant's movement and attacks are slow. Try to get in 2-3 hits, then prepare to dodge. All of its attacks are obviously telegraphed so it will not be too hard to dodge them.

If you do still have a hard time dodging them, you can use Yrden to slow the giant even more. Igni will do a lot of burn damage when the giant is hit, so use it whenever you can for good damage. And Quen can block the damage if the giant does hit you.

When the giant has almost lost 1/3 of its health, a cutscene will play where it will pick an anchor as his weapon. With the anchor, the giant's attacks will be slamming down the anchor, basic melee attacks, and a stomping attack. After that happens, keep a bit of distance and wait for the giant to do the anchor slam, then get in close for 3-4 hits.

Ice Giant Location, Weaknesses, and Loot

Is The Lord of Undvik Worth It?

The Lord of Undvik is Worth It

Completing this quest and the quest Possession will unlock the quest King's Gambit. Successfuly completing this quest and the quest King's Gambit will let you recruit Hjalmar, and Folan and Vigi if you save both of them, for the main quest The Battle for Kaer Morhen.

The Witcher 3 Related Links

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (5)

All Secondary Quests

No. Quest TitleLocationSugg. Level
- Flesh for Sale Trottheim12
- Master Armorers Crow's Perch, Clan Tordarroch Forge24
- Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions 11
- Man's Best Friend Northwest of MulbrydaleN/A
- Farting Trolls -
- Brave Fools Die Young -
- Races: Crow's Perch Crossroads west of Crow's PerchN/A
- An Unpaid Debt 15
- Witch Hunter Raids N/A
- Warehouse of Woe 13
- The Witcher's Forge 30
- Return to Crookback Bog Crookback Bog9
- The Bastion 23
- Berengar's Blade 27
- King's Gambit Kaer Trolde18
- Take What You Want North of Keira Metz's hut25
- The Last Wish Hindersfjall15
- The Fall of the House of Reardon Reardon Manor6
- Possession Svorlag17
- The Truth is in the Stars BenekN/A
- Gwent Quest: Skellige Style Kaer TroldeGedyneithGremist's workshopKaer MuireN/A
- Thou Shalt Not Pass Border PostWestern Gate7
- Where the Cat and Wolf Play... HonortonOreton25
- Wild at Heart BlackboughIsolated Shack7
- Witcher Wannabe Lindenvale10
- A Barnful of Trouble Carsten11
- A Dangerous Game Rosemary and Thyme12
- A Deadly Plot Near Border PostNorth of Hanged Mans Tree14
- A Feast for Crows The Bits20
- A Final Kindness Hierarch Square26
- A Matter of Life and Death The BitsTriss' hideoutElihal's workshopVegelbud Residence12
- A Tome Entombed Novigrad sewers13
- A Walk on the Waterfront Harborside12
- A Warm Welcome Road southwest of Wheat FieldsN/A
- An Eye for an Eye Hanged Man's TreeTemerian Partisan hideout12
- Cabaret Rosemary and Thyme14
- Carnal Sins Vilmerius HospitalCrippled Kate'sVegelbud ResidenceNovigrad Docks16
- Drunken Rabble In front of The Golden SturgeonN/A
- Empty Coop Hut between Honeyfill Meadworks and Dancing WindmillN/A
- Fencing Lessons Var Attre VillaSeven Cats Inn12
- Fists of Fury: Novigrad The Golden SturgeonNorth of Portside GateEast of Southern GateFarcorners23
- Gwent Quest: Big City Players Sigismund's BathhousePassifloraForest outside NovigradN/A
- Gwent Quest: Playing Innkeeps Inn at the CrossroadsThe AlchemyThe Kingfisher InnN/A
- Gwent Quest: Playing Thaler Seven Cats InnN/A
- Haunted House Novigrad7
- A Bard's Beloved Cave east-northeast of Palisade15
- Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff? Northwest of the Silverton merchant6
- Abandoned Sawmill Abandoned Sawmill24
- Armed Assault Southeast of Rannvaig15
- Call of the Wild Just east-southeast of Arinbjorn signpostN/A
- Hidden Messages of the Nilfgaardian Kind West of the Crooked houseCrippled Kate'sGildorf sewers8
- Crime and Punishment Peninsula east of Ancient CryptRogne18
- Finders Keepers Small island north of Giants' ToesSvorlag24
- Brothers In Arms: Velen Velen22
- Fists of Fury: Skellige The New PortArinbjornHarvikenNortheast of Urialla Harbor30
- Brothers In Arms: Novigrad Novigrad22
- High Stakes Passiflora26
- Brothers In Arms: Skellige Skellige22
- Honor Among Thieves Whoreson Junior's CasinoPutrid Grove9
- Brothers In Arms: Nilfgaard Royal Palace22
- For Fame and Glory West of Larvik15
- It Takes Three to Tango Kingfisher Inn28
- From a Land Far, Far Away Island east of RedgillUrstenWidows' Grotto13
- Hard Times Road between Miners' Camp and BlandareKaer Trolde21
- Iron Maiden Hill east of Harviken19
- Master of the Arena Hov14
- Peace Disturbed Cave southeast of Kaer Trolde Harbor and southwest of Rogne25
- Shock Therapy Gedyneith24
- Karmic Justice Between Tretogor Gate and Southern GateN/A
- Stranger in a Strange Land West of Sund14
- The Cave of Dreams Inn at ArinbjornKaer Muire14
- The Four Faces of Hemdall Eastern coast of Ard SkelligIslet southwest of HindarsfjallFreya's TempleN/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory LarvikFreya's GardenN/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Kaer Trolde RannvaigKaer TroldeN/A
- The Lord of Undvik Kaer TroldeUndvik17
- The Path of Warriors Trail to Yngvar's FangYngvar's Fang16
- Little Red Yantra15
- Message from an Old Friend Books and ScrollsN/A
- Novigrad Hospitality Roadside between Yantra and Sarrasin Grange8
- The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers BlandareGrotto26
- Woe is Me PalisadeN/A
- Worthy of Trust Kaer Trolde HarborNorth of CrossroadsFyresdalN/A
- Greenhouse Effect -27
- Novigrad, Closed City (II) Northwest of Hierarch SquareN/A
- Monster Slayer Lakeside Hut26
- Trail of Echoes -N/A
- Novigrad, Closed City Northwest of Hierarch Square11
- Now or Never Novigrad14
- Of Dairy and Darkness Novigrad9
- Of Swords and Dumplings Aeramas' Abandoned Manor24
- Out On Your Arse! Hattori's homeThe Golden Sturgeon14
- Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby Crippled Kate'sN/A
- Racists of Novigrad Vegelbud ResidenceN/A
- Reason of State Road north of Portside GateDye pits northeast of Tretogor Gate30
- Redania's Most Wanted Novigrad DocksSt. Gregory's BridgeThe Butcher's Yard theater12
- Rough Neighborhood Est Tayiar10
- Spooked Mare Just north of Shani's ClinicSoutheast of Western Gate12
- Strangers in the Night Hut north-northwest of Crossroads signpostN/A
- The Nithing Rannvaig14
- Strumpet in Distress Between Eternal Fire Chapel and Vegelbud ResidenceN/A
- Suspicious Shakedown Behind a house north of the Rosemary and ThymeN/A
- The Dwarven Document Dilemma Farcorners2
- The Flame of Hatred Street east of Hierarch SquareN/A
- The Gangs of Novigrad Cleaver's HeadquartersWhoreson Junior's casinoWhoreson Junior's arena9
- The Most Truest of Basilisks Road northeast of Novigrad GateN/A
- The Nobleman Statuette Novigrad14
- The Price of Passage OxenfurtN/A
- The Soldier Statuette Caesar Bilzen's houseTriss' hideout14
- The Volunteer OxenfurtWhite Eagle Fort13
- Black Pearl The Golden SturgeonNorth of Arinbjorn13
- Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em All! Various placesN/A
- Following the Thread NovigradWater mill near AretteSeven Cats InnFaroe11
- Gwent Quest: Old Pals Seven Cats InnTemerian Partisan hideoutRosemary and ThymeThe Nowhere InnKaer MorhenN/A
- Coronation Kaer Trolde18
- Never Trust Children The BitsRoad between Arinbjorn and SundN/A
- A Frying Pan, Spick and Span Riverside northwest of White OrchardN/A
- Faithful Friend Woesong Bridge30
- Missing in Action BattlefieldN/A
- On Death's Bed -2
- Precious Cargo -N/A
- Twisted Firestarter Willis' forgeWhite Orchard villageN/A
- A Dog's Life Drudge5
- A Favor for a Friend Keira Metz's hut6
- A Greedy God South of Wastrel Manor7
- A Towerful of Mice Fyke IsleOreton6
- An Invitation from Keira Metz Keira Metz's hut6
- Bitter Harvest Battlefield south-southeast of the Border Post9
- Blood Ties Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp12
- Caravan Attack Northwest of Marauders' BridgeN/A
- Ciri's Room Crow's Perch5
- Deadly Crossing Troll BridgeBoatmakers' HutNorth of LindenvaleWest of Dragonslayer's GrottoN/A
- Death By Fire West of Codgers' Quarry10
- Defender of the Faith East of BlackboughDuén HenAlong the road between Byways and Frischlow10
- Face Me if You Dare! South of Crow's PerchSoutheast of Tretogor GateNorthwest of The Golden SturgeonN/A
- Fake Papers South of the Border PostN/A
- Fists of Fury: Velen Inn at the CrossroadsBlackboughCrow's PerchLindenvale11
- At the Mercy of Strangers West of MulbrydaleN/A
- A Mysterious Passenger Larvik-
- Fools' Gold Lurtch6
- For the Advancement of Learning Fyke Isle8
- Free Spirit Snidhall Isle13
- Forefathers' Eve Fyke Isle7
- Funeral Pyres West of Mulbrydale3
- Ghosts of the Past Reardon ManorLindenvale6
- Gwent Quest: Velen Players BenekMidcopseOretonCrow's PerchN/A
- Harassing a Troll Far north and west of Inn at the CrossroadsN/A
- Hazardous Goods Northwest of LurtchBetween Reardon Manor and Benek4
- Highway Robbery Between Crow's Perch and Boatmakers' HutN/A
- Highwayman's Cache East of Boatmakers' HutN/A
- Last Rites Blackbough9
- Yustianna Disturbed -
- The Tower Outta Nowheres 30
- The Price of Honor 14
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal -
- Looters HeathertonWolven GladeToderasCodgers' QuarryN/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund -
- Love's Cruel Snares Abandoned site north of Condyle10
- The Family Blade 15
- Lynch Mob Hangman's Alley7
- Taken as a Lass 25
- Magic Lamp The Mire6
- Siren's Call -
- Practicum in Advanced Alchemy 24
- In Wolf's Clothing 15

See The List of All Quests

The Lord of Undvik Walkthrough and Troll Riddle Solution | The Witcher 3|Game8 (2025)


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